Working with Chat Sessions

In Interaction Client, chat sessions are online, real-time, typed conversations between Interaction Client users or between an Interaction Client user and a remote chat participant browsing your website. If Interaction Center is configured to receive chat sessions, then you are alerted to a chat session, just as you are alerted to other incoming interactions such as calls.

Tip: To pick up a chat request, double-click the alerting chat request in My Interactions. Also, a chat can open automatically, if your user information in Interaction Administrator is configured to Auto-Answer non-ACD Interactions. Popup blockers can prevent auto-answer email windows from opening. If you want to use the Auto-Answer feature, you may need to configure your browser or popup block software to allow popup windows in Interaction Client Web Edition.

There are two types of chat sessions:

Requirements: You need the Intercom Chat Security Right before you can participate in an intercom chat. Intercom chats can take place only between users on the same IC server. You cannot start a chat session with a user on a peer server.

Chat Interactions

A connected computer icon identifies a chat interaction in My Interactions. The chat interaction displays the name of the last participant to type during this chat and part of the text typed.

Related Topics

Add Notes to an Interaction

Assign Codes to an Interaction

Chat Window

Conference Two or More Chat Sessions

Determine if Someone is Listening to or Recording Your Interactions

Disconnect a Chat Session

Edit a Chat Session

Initiate a Chat Session

Manage a Chat Session

Mark a Chat Session as Private

Pick Up a Chat Request

Place a Chat Session on Hold

Print a Chat Session

Record a Chat Session

Request Assistance from Your Supervisor

Send a Chat Session Request to Voicemail

Transfer a Chat Session