Chat Window

The Chat window provides the necessary tools for participating in a chat interaction.



The toolbar contains buttons for most of the functions for managing a chat session. For more information, see Manage a Chat Session.


Chat Members

This section displays the names of the chat participants. The person who initiates the chat is listed above the separator line. The other chat participants are listed in the Connected With section, in the order in which they entered the chat session.



The conversation area displays the pre-configured automatic messages that sends when the chat begins, plus all chat text from all participants.



You are alerted when a chat participant is typing a response that hasn't yet appeared in the conversation area.


Composition area

Compose your reply to an ongoing chat, then click Send or press Enter.

You can:

  • Type a response.

  • Click the Send file icon (paperclip) to locate a file on your workstation and send it to other chat participants.

Note: You can send a file to a visitor who starts a chat session from your company’s website (web chat). This function is not available when you are chatting with other CIC users (intercom chat). However, you can send text containing the file path to other CIC users.


Status bar

The Status bar displays the state, duration and ID number of the interaction.


Sidebar area

The appearance of the sidebar area can vary based on your user rights. It contains controls and information that are related to the chat.



The Properties section contains the interaction log. Optionally, the Account Code and Wrap-Up Code drop down lists also appear in this section.

Some companies categorize interactions by customer. If you have the appropriate rights, you can assign an Account code to an incoming email message. If you are a member of a workgroup for which Wrap Up codes are configured, you can use this drop-down list to assign the code.



Use the Notes section to add notes or comments about the ongoing chat. Other chat participants do not see these notes.

Note: These notes are visible to supervisors who are "Listening to" (monitoring) this chat.



Select a pre-defined response. For more information, see Use Response Management During a Chat Session.


Splitter Bar

If you prefer not to see the sidebar area, click the splitter to hide that part of the Chat window. Click the splitter again to restore the sidebar area.

Related Topics

Add Notes to an Interaction

Assign Codes to an Interaction

Manage a Chat Session

Understanding Account Codes

Understanding Wrap-Up Codes

Working with Chat Sessions