Search for a Response

Requirements: See Working with Response Management.

You can locate and use any personal response item or any system-wide response item to which you have rights in an interaction.

Full-Text Search

You can use full-text searching to locate a needed response item. Full-text searching looks for matching text in the Name, Label, Shortcut, and text content of a response item. Full-text searching is available in:

To search for a response item:

  1. In the Search Documents text box, type all or the first part of the word or words that identify the response item and then click the Search button.

Tip: See Search Language for tips on constructing a multi-term search.

Result: Matching response items appear.

  1. Do one of the following:

Search Language

The Response Management search language is similar that used in most common Internet search engines. You can use this search language in any Response Management Search text box.

For a simple search, type all or the first part of the word or words that identify the response item. For example, typing "foo" locates response items associated with or containing "food," "foot," or "football." All searches are case insensitive.

Boolean Operators

You can use AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators.

Note: A plus sign (+) is the same as AND. A space is the same as OR. A minus sign (-) is the same as NOT.

Exact Phrase

Enclose an exact phrase searches in quotation marks.


Enclose a grouped search in parentheses.


You can confine your search to the Name, Shortcut, or Labels fields on a response item.

Related Topics

Using Response Management