Working with Response Management

Requirements: To create and manage personal responses or to search for and use personal and system-wide responses, you need the Response Management Security right. To use all or selected libraries of the system-wide responses, you need the appropriate Response Management View Access Control Right. To use an interaction attribute in a Response Macro, you need the Substitute Queue Columns Access Control Right.

In systems that were upgraded from previous releases, you can also see an older system-wide response library named "Interactions" in Interaction Client. Using responses from this older library requires specific Access Control Rights; see View Interaction Files, View Interaction Messages, and View Interaction URLs.

Response Management enables you to use pre-defined items such as messages and stored files to handle interactions more quickly. Your CIC administrator can create system-wide response items and organize them into categories. Your CIC administrator can then grant the necessary rights for all or selected users to use a particular library of response items. You can also create your own personal responses for information you type over and over again in interactions with customers or for files you often send to customers.

You can:

Response Organization

The organization of responses has three levels:

Note: Your CIC administrator configures these system-wide response libraries in the Response Management container in Interaction Administrator. For more information, see the Interaction Administrator Help.

Note: A stored text message can contain a working URL hyperlink.

Related Topics

Creating Personal Responses

My Responses Window

Organize Personal Responses

Using Response Management