Working with Faxes

Requirements: You need the TIFF Faxes Security right to receive faxes as TIF files attached to email messages. The Web Client fax format option on your user account determines if you can select a fax from the Fax Viewer and view it in a browser window.

With Interaction Client, you receive faxes in the same place you receive email messages. Any time a caller sends a fax to you, the fax is attached to an email message and sent to your email account.

Faxes are managed in one of these ways in Interaction Client:

Note: Contact your CIC administrator if you do not have Interaction Fax installed and your faxes are not being attached to email messages as TIF files

Related Topics

Download a Fax

Fax Viewer

Open a Fax From Your Inbox

Send a fax

Use the Fax Viewer

View a Fax