Use Response Management in an Email Message

Requirements: See Working with Response Management for information about required rights.

You use stored responses to avoid typing the same information over and over again. You can search for a stored response and insert it in an email reply or a forwarded email message.

To use a stored response when replying to or forwarding an email message:

  1. In the E-mail Window for Outgoing Messages, do one of the following:

Tip: You can use full-text searching by entering terms in the Search Documents text box in the Response Management section. For more information, see Search for a Response. Also, you can single-click the response to preview it in the reply area.

Result: The response is inserted in the email message. If the response is a file, the filename appears in the Attached area in the E-mail window. A progress bar appears while a large file is being attached. If the response is a message, the text appears in the email response section.

  1. Make any necessary changes or additions and then click Send.

Note: For more information about replying to ACD-routed email messages, see Reply to an E-mail Message and Send an E-mail Message.

Related Topics

Search for a Response

Use Response Management for an Incoming Interaction

Working with E-mail Messages