Advanced Dialing Options

Advanced Dialing enables you to assign an Account Code and designate a workgroup for outgoing calls.

Note: Designating a workgroup after you dial enables you to associate an outbound call with your workgroup. For more information, see Dial on Behalf of a Workgroup.

 You can use Advanced Dialing Options if:

Note: You can override the default setting for this option, by selecting or clearing this check box. When you log on, this setting defaults to the setting in Interaction Administrator. See Calls Configuration.

Using the Advanced Dialing Options Dialog Box

If Advanced Dialing Options are appropriately configured, the Advanced Dialing Options dialog box appears when you start a call. Here are some things to note about the Advanced Options dialog box:

Note: There is no blank or <none> account code as there is in the Workgroup drop-down list. Your administrator can create a dummy account code for situations where a real account code does not apply; for example, a personal call. Contact your CIC administrator if you have questions about which account code to use.

Configuration Requirements

Your system must be appropriately configured in order for you to use Advanced Dialing Options. Also, your CIC administrator must configure this feature in Interaction Administrator before it is available to you.

In Interaction Administrator, your CIC administrator:

Note: This configuration is not required if your CIC administrator wants you to designate only a workgroup name on outgoing interactions and not assign an account code.

Related Topics

Assign Codes to an Outgoing Interaction

Calls Configuration