Calls Configuration

Your CIC administrator uses Interaction Administrator to configure how Interaction Client Web Edition works. Contact your CIC administrator if you have questions on how any of these options are set on your system.

Your CIC administrator can set the following calls options:

Calls Options

Timeout for external calls (in seconds):

This option determines the number of seconds your outgoing calls ring before they are disconnected.

Note: This setting is always used for calls forwarded to you when your status is Available, Forward. For calls you place yourself, this time out setting is ignored unless Analyze outgoing external calls is also selected and you are dialing from Interaction Client. If you are dialing manually (using the handset), your outgoing call ignores this setting and continues ringing until answered.

Use advanced dialing options (account code, workgroup)

If enabled, the Advanced Dialing Options dialog box appears when you call. You can then assign an Account Code to the call and associate the call with a Workgroup. For more information, see Advanced Dialing Options.

Note: This setting defaults to the setting in Interaction Administrator every time you log on. You can temporarily override this default setting, by selecting or clearing the Use Advanced Dialing check box on the Options menu.

Analyze outgoing external calls

If enabled, Telephony Services (TS) monitors whether the outgoing interaction connects to a person or an answering machine.

An interaction is listed in the Dialing state after dialing a number from the Interaction Client Number field. After the remote party picks up the interaction, the state changes to Connected. If an interaction does not connect, then TS tries to diagnose why the attempt to connect failed. TS displays the reason: the other party did not answer or the line is busy.

Show alert dialog when call becomes unsecure

If enabled, a Security Alert dialog box appears when a call is downgraded from secure to non-secure.

Enable call waiting

If enabled, you are notified when another call is coming in while you are on the phone.

Mute calls when transferring

If enabled, transferred calls are muted so the caller cannot hear what you are saying. (However, the transfer recipient can hear you.) Once you have either transferred the call or closed the Transfer dialog box, the call is no longer muted.

Open new window for incoming calls

If enabled, the Interaction Properties dialog box appears every time you receive a call. You can enter notes on the current call in this dialog box. For more information, see Interaction Properties Dialog Box.

Operator target number:

This option determines the telephone number or extension to which callers who choose 0 (zero) to exit out of your voice mail are sent.