Add or Close Views

Requirements: The View General Directories Access Control right determines which General Directories you can display. If you have the Directory Administrator Security right, you can edit other user’s public directories. Certain rights control which directory views you can display. For more information, see the View General Directories right and the View Workgroups right.

You can configure which available directory views appear in your Interaction Client interface by adding or removing views. You also control the order in which the views appear.

Note: Any directory views that you open during an Interaction Client session are restored (along with any filters) in future sessions or after a browser refresh.

Tip: To display directories in a specific order, see Move Views.

To add a directory view:

  1. Click the New Tab button.

Result: A drop-down list of types of directories appears.

  1. Click the appropriate directory type.

Result: The drop-down list expands to show the names of each directory in this type.

  1. Click the name of the directory you want to display.

Result: The directory view appears in a new tab in Interaction Client.

To remove a directory view:

Result: The directory is no longer displayed.

Related Topics

Customizing the Interaction Client Interface

Working with the Company Directory

Working with Other Directories