Access Control Rights

Access Control rights allow or restrict access to certain objects within Interaction Client and determine whether you can view or modify those objects. Your CIC administrator assigns your Access Control rights. Contact your CIC administrator if you have questions about your Access Control rights.

Account Codes

This Access Control right determines whether you can assign account codes to incoming or outgoing interactions. For more information, see Understanding Account Codes; Assign Codes to an Interaction; Assign Codes to an Incoming Interaction; and Assign Codes to an Outgoing Interaction.

Access Control Right


View Account Codes

Determines whether account code fields are visible in dialog boxes. To assign Account Codes to incoming and outgoing interactions, you also need the Account Code Verification Security right. For more information, see Understanding Account Codes.

Attendant Profiles

These Access Control rights determine which Interaction Attendant profiles are available as transfer targets in the Transfer dialog box. This controls whether you can transfer an interaction to a specific Interaction Attendant Profile. For more information, see Transfer a Call to an Attendant Profile.

Access Control Right


Email Profiles

Determines which Interaction Attendant email profiles are available.

Inbound Profiles

Determines which Interaction Attendant inbound profiles are available.

Operator Profiles

Determines which Interaction Attendant operator profiles are available.

Outbound Profiles

Determines which Interaction Attendant outbound profiles are available.

Directory Status

This right controls which status columns you can choose to display in a Directory view. For more information, see View Another User’s Status and Add or Remove View Columns.

Access Control Right


View Directory Status Columns

Determines which status columns you can add to a directory view. Rights to these status columns can be separately assigned.


These columns include: Activated, Forward Number, Logged On, Notes, On Phone, Status, Status Summary, Time in Status, and Until.

General Directories

This right controls which General Directories you can choose to display in Interaction Client.

Access Control Right


View General Directories

Determines which General Directory views you can add to Interaction Client. Also, You must have this right for the appropriate Interaction Tracker databases in order to resolve a contact manually. For more information, see Resolve a Contact.


These rights control whether you can use specific types of pre-defined responses from a system-wide Response Management library named "Interactions." This library exists only in systems upgraded from previous releases where the administrator decided to retain the library. For more information, see Working with Response Management for details.

Access Control Right


View Interaction Files

Enables you to select a file name from the "Interactions" Response Management library and immediately upload the file to external chat participants.

View Interaction Messages

Enables you to select a message name from the "Interactions" Response Management library and incorporate the text from this stored message in a chat. Messages files typically include standard greetings and closings or responses to frequently asked questions.

View Interaction URLs

Enables you to select a URL from the "Interactions" Response Management library and incorporate this stored Internet address in your chat.

Phone Number

These rights control which types of phone numbers you can call, use as follow-me numbers, use as a forwarding number, or employ in the Telephone User Interface (TUI). Your CIC administrator classifies phone numbers into types such as Blocked, Emergency, Local, and Long Distance.

Access Control Right



Determines the type of phone numbers you can call from Interaction Client.

Classifications Follow-me

Determines the type of phone numbers you can use as Follow-me numbers. For more information, see Set Up Follow-me Routing.

Note: These rights are checked whether you set up Follow-me numbers in Interaction Client or via the TUI. For more information about setting up Follow-me numbers via the TUI, see the Telephone User Interface User’s Guide or Quick Reference Card in the CIC Documentation Library

Classifications Forward

Determines the type of phone numbers you can use to forward calls to a remote telephone number. For more information, see Forward Calls to Your Remote Telephone Number.

Note: These rights are checked whether you set up Forwarding numbers in Interaction Client or via the TUI. For more information about setting up Forwarding numbers via the TUI, see the Telephone User Interface User’s Guide or Quick Reference Card in the CIC Documentation Library.

Classifications TUI

Determines which phone numbers you can call from the TUI. This right controls which numbers you can call when you do a "live reply." A “live reply” occurs when you respond to a "To call this person now..." prompt. These rights also control which phone numbers you can call when you access the Company Directory to locate and dial a phone number.

Response Management

This right determines which system-wide Response Libraries you can see and use in Interaction Client. For more information, see Working with Response Management.

Access Control Right



Each Response Management Library created in Interaction Administrator by your system administrator has a unique name. You can be assigned the right to use all of these libraries or selected libraries.

Note: These libraries are also called Response Management server documents in Interaction Administrator. Each of these libraries can contain multiple items such as text messages or stored files.

Station Queues

This right controls whether you can transfer an interaction to a specific Station Queue.

Access Control Right


Search Station Queues

Determines which Station Queues are available as transfer targets in the Transfer dialog box. This controls whether you can transfer an interaction to a specific Station Queue.


Typically, you always log on to one, specific CIC station that belongs to you. However, if there is a need, you can be assigned the right to log on to other CIC stations.

Access Control Right


Logon Stations

Determines to which CIC stations you can log on. For more information, see Logging On.

Status Messages

To use a specific status, you need the appropriate View Status Message right. The CIC administrator can assign this right to all members of a specific workgroup, all users in a certain role, or selected users. These rights determine the status settings available when you Set Your Status or Set Another User’s Status.)

Access Control Right


View Status Messages

This right controls which status settings are available to you. For more information, see Possible Status Values, Set Your Status, and Set Another User’s Status.

User Queues

These rights control which User Queues you can display and work with in Interaction Client.

Access Control Right


View User Queues

Determines which User Queue views you can display in Interaction Client.

Modify User Queues

Determines which modify actions you can perform on interactions in a selected User Queue. Modify actions include Disconnect, Hold, Mute, Pickup or Transfer interactions.

The Modify User Queues right is also required to enable the Ring telephone for calls or Ring computer alerting options for a monitored appearance. For more information, see Configure Monitored Appearances.


This right controls whether you can Set Another User’s Status.

Access Control Right


Change Status Users

Determine which users' status you can change. You can be granted the Change Status right to all or selected users.

Workgroup Queues

These rights control which Workgroup Queues you can display and work with in Interaction Client.

Access Control Right


View Workgroup Queues

Determines which Workgroup Queue views you can display in Interaction Client.

Modify Workgroup Queues

Determines which modify actions you can perform on interactions in a selected Workgroup Queue. Modify actions include Disconnect, Pickup or Transfer interactions.

Modify actions also include the ability to Activate Self. For more information, see Change Your Workgroup Activation Status.

Monitor Workgroup Queues

Determines which monitor actions you can perform on interactions in a selected Workgroup Queue. Monitor actions include Coach, Join, Listen, Monitor or Record interactions.

Search Workgroup Queues

Determines which Workgroup Queues are available as transfer targets in the Transfer dialog box. This controls whether you can transfer an interaction to a specific Workgroup Queue.


These rights control which workgroup directory views you can add to Interaction Client and which workgroups can appear in the Workgroup Queue view.

Access Control Right


View Workgroups

Determines which Workgroup directory views you can display in Interaction Client.

Statistics Workgroups

Determines which workgroups can be included in the Workgroup Statistics view. This right can be granted to all or selected workgroups.

Related Topics

Security Rights