Working with Voice Mail

Requirements: If you are assigned the Receive Voicemail Security right, callers are sent to voice mail when you are in a DND status (Gone Home, Out of the Office, or some other "not available" status) or when you do not answer your phone.

With Interaction Client, you receive voice mail in the same place you receive email messages. Any time a caller leaves a voice mail message for you, the voice mail message is attached to an email message and sent to you. You can open your voice mail messages as email message attachments or you can listen to voice mail from the Voicemail Viewer in Interaction Client.

Voice mail is managed in one of several ways in Interaction Client:

Note: For more information about configuration settings that affect this automatic playback, see Configuring Interaction Voicemail Player.

Note: If your designated audio player does not play the voice mail message then it is likely that the required codec (software that compresses and decompresses digital audio) is not installed on your computer. Some recent operating systems like Windows Vista no longer include the TrueSpeech codec. For more information, contact your CIC administrator.

Tip: You can also listen to and manage your voice mail messages by using the voice mail features on your telephone.

Related Topics

Interaction Voicemail Player Controls

Listen to Someone Leave a Voice Mail Message

Open a Voice Mail Message From Your Inbox

Overview of Interaction Voicemail Player

Pick Up a Call From Voice Mail

Transfer a Call to Another Person’s Voice Mail

Transfer a Call to Your Voice Mail

Voicemail Viewer