Phone Number Controls

Interaction Client verifies phone numbers that you enter against the dial plan for your organization or region. Verification ensures that the phone numbers you enter for directory entries and configuration options are correctly formatted and can be dialed.


Validated phone number

A validated phone number is formatted according to the rules of the dial plan for your organization or region. A validated phone number becomes the display number in Interaction Client.


Dial button

Click the Dial button next to a validated phone number to dial that number.


Unvalidated phone number

A phone number appears exactly as you enter it until you validate it.


Validate button

Click the Validate button to check your phone number entry against the requirements of the dial plan for your organization or region.


Auto Dial Extension

Select this check box to automatically dial the extension number after your call is connected.

Note: The Auto Dial Extension check box is available only when the corresponding phone number and extension have values.

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