Supervisor Client Memos

Interaction Center administrators can easily communicate with selected users, workgroups or roles by means of brief messages. The administrator creates these Client Memos in Interaction Supervisor. Client Memos appear as notifications in Interaction Client.

Notification Area

Notifications appear in the status bar. The client notification area presents the text of the client memo in a stock ticker-like format. If you receive multiple client memos, then the memos scroll. Current memos move into the notification area by rotating in from the bottom while any other memo rotates out the top. There is a pause of several seconds between the time the memo is fully rotated in and the time it begins cycling to the next memo to allow you some time to read the memo.

Click the Message Viewer icon in the Status Bar to display all the current notifications on your system. You can click a notification that contains a URL link, launching your browser and displaying the appropriate page.

Note: Only notifications appear in the Message Viewer. Desktop pop-ups do not appear.

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Status Bar