Set Your Status

Status controls the announcement of your availability to people who call you. When your status is one of the "do not disturb" statuses, callers hear your status, such as "Bob Jones is out of town." Then they are directed to your voice mail to leave a message. Other Interaction Client users can view your status in Status column of the Company Directory.

To set your status:

  1. Click the My Status drop-down list.

  1. Select a status from the Status list.

Note: The Status list displays up to 10 of your most-recently-used statuses at the top of the list, except for any status that you cannot select for yourself. Your current status appears first, followed by the next most recently used statuses in order. A line visually separates the most-recently-used statuses from a list of all selectable statuses. The list also displays the icon assigned to each status. For more information, see Possible Status Values.

  1. Optionally, enter status details by clicking Set status details.

Related Topics

My Status

Possible Status Values

Set Another User’s status

Set DND Status with Your Phone

Set Status Details

Setting Status

View Another User’s Status