Search a Directory

Note: By default, directories with more than 100 contacts appear in a paged format.  However, your Interaction Center administrator determines how large a directory must be before it appears in a paged format and how many contacts appear on a single page.

Interaction Client uses a paged format to display large directories. Paging controls enable you to navigate from one page to another in the directory and locate a specific directory entry. For more information, see Working with Interaction Client Directories.

To search for a directory entry:

Note: Searches in Directory columns that contain comma-separated values, like Workgroups, automatically use a "contains" filter. The asterisk is not necessary.

Search Fields Context Menu

The context menu enables use to use the Windows clipboard to copy and paste text in the search fields. You can also send directory contact information to Microsoft One Note. Or you can create a Google toolbar button for Interaction Client.

Related Topics

View and Edit Directory Entries