Record a Call

Requirements: See Record.

If you have the appropriate security rights, you can use Interaction Client to record a call. This recording appears in your email inbox as a WAV file attachment to an email message. This procedure assumes that you are currently connected to a call.

Note: You cannot record an interaction that another Interaction Client user has marked as Private.

To record a call:

  1. Click Record.

Result: The Record button appears pressed, and the call is recorded as a. wav file.

  1. To pause the recording, click Pause.

Result: The Pause button appears pressed, and recording is suspended.

Note: This pause affects only your recording of the interaction. Recordings made by other monitors of this interaction are not affected. If available, use the Secure Pause button to pause all recordings. For more information, see Secure Pause a Recording.

  1. To stop recording, click Record again.

Result: The Record button becomes un-pressed, and the recording stops.

Note:  You can press the Record button more than once to stop or continue recording your call. Interaction Client stores each part of the recorded conversation in separate. wav files, and sends them to you in email message attachments after you end the call.

Warning: Interactive Intelligence, Inc. disclaims any responsibility for end-user or licensee to comply with federal or state law restrictions regarding Record or Listen capabilities of CIC software. The licensee hereby warrants and represents that the end-user or licensee will use the product in compliance with any federal or state law.

Related Topics

Record Button

Secure Record Pause Button