Forward Calls to Your Remote Telephone Number

Requirements: Your Phone Number Classifications-Forward Access Control rights determine which phone numbers you can use as forwarding numbers.

If you will be away from your desk but accessible at another telephone number, you can forward your calls. You can forward calls to an internal extension, a local number, a cellular telephone, or even a long-distance number (if you have the appropriate rights.)

When you choose to forward calls to a remote telephone number, you must set your status to Available, Forward. IC server redirects all calls originally targeted at your local extension to the remote number

Note: If you can't normally make long-distance calls from Interaction Client, you can't forward your calls to a long-distance number. If you have questions about your call privileges, see your CIC administrator.

Also, your CIC administrator can create multiple Forwarding statuses if your site requires it. For example, you could have Available Forward, Home and Available Forward, Mobile.

To forward your calls to your remote location:

  1. From the My Status drop-down list, select Available, Forward.

  1. Do one of the following:

  1. In Forward Number, enter the remote telephone number for forwarded calls.

  1. Click OK.

Result: Your status is set to Available. Forward and all calls are forwarded to the remote number.

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