Create Personal Responses

Requirements: See Using Response Management for information about required rights.

You can create personal response items that contain information you often need when handling interactions. These personal responses appear in the My Responses folder in the My Responses Window. You can arrange personal responses in subfolders (categories). For more information, see Organize Personal Responses.

Note: Personal responses are private and are not available to other Interaction Client users.

You can create two kinds of personal responses:

Personal Messages

Use messages to save standard text responses that you often use when interacting with customers. For example, you can save a message that contains your typical office hours, phone number, and email address. You can then use this response in a Chat or Email message and never have to type this information again.

Note: A stored message can contain a working URL hyperlink or an email message address.

To create a response message:

  1. From the Interaction Client View menu, select Response Management Editor.

Result: The My Responses window appears.

  1. Click the My Responses folder or any of the folders under My Responses.

  2. Click the Create new item toolbar button.

Result: The My Responses Editor appears.

  1. In the composition area, do one of the following:

Tip: By default, the Open dialog box lists all the files in a directory. You can import only files with an HTM or HTML extension.

  1. Optionally, do any of the following in the My Responses Editor:

Tip: If a URL is the only text in the message, it converts automatically to a hyperlink. The icon for this stored response becomes the logo for the browser you are currently using.


  1. In the Name text box, type a name for this stored message. 

Note: Response Management provides a full-text search tool that uses the information in Name, Shortcut, and Labels along with the response item’s content to find a response. For more information, see Search for a Response.

Tip: Name identifies the response item, but does not have to be unique. If you do not provide a name, it defaults to New Item.

  1. In the Shortcut text box, type a short name, abbreviation, or code.

Tip: To insert a response item where needed, type the shortcut and then press Ctrl+Space. The shortcut does not have to be unique. For example, you could use the shortcut "Hi" for all the variations of your standard greeting.

Note: Do not use any of these restricted characters in your shortcut: ~ ! ? * ^ \ .  These special characters prevent the shortcut from working.

  1. In the Labels text box, type a space-separated list of words that identify or classify this response item.

  1. Click Save.

Result: The new response item appears in the selected folder in the My Responses Window.

Personal Files

Personal files are pointers to files in a shared directory that is accessible to your web server.

To create a file response item:

  1. From the Interaction Client View menu, select Response Management Editor.

Result: The My Responses window appears.

  1. Click the My Responses folder or any of the folders (categories) under this folder.

  2. Click the Create new item toolbar button.

Result: The My Responses Editor appears.

  1. Click Change to File.

  1. In the Path text box, type the complete directory path and file name.

Note: This file must be in a shared directory in a path that the web server can access at the moment when you use the stored file. The file can be, but does not have to be, in a shared directory on the web server which is running Interaction Client Web Edition.

Result: The directory path and file name appear in the text box next to the Verify button.

  1. Click Verify.

Result: This action verifies that web server can locate and access the file. One of two things happens:

  1. In the Name text box, type a name for this file.

Note: Response Management provides a full-text search tool that uses the information in Name, Shortcut, and Labels along with the response item’s content to find a response. For more information, see Search for a Response.

Tip: Name identifies the response item, but does not have to be unique. If you do not provide a name, it defaults to New Item.

  1. In the Shortcut text box, type a short name, abbreviation, or code for this response.

Tip: To insert a response item where needed, type the shortcut and then press Ctrl+Space. The shortcut does not have to be unique. For example, you could use the shortcut "TS" for all your files containing troubleshooting tips.

  1. In the Labels text box, type a space-separated list of words that identify or classify this response item.

  1. Click Save.

Result: The new response item appears in the selected folder in the My Responses Window.

Related Topics

Organize Personal Responses

Using Response Management

Working with Response Management